Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival and BBC ALBA Talent Search, Terms and Conditions

  1. This talent search is open to artists who reside in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (an area of Scotland broadly covering the Scottish Highlands, plus Orkney, Shetland and the outer Hebrides (Western Isles)).

  2. You must be 18 or over to apply for this talent search. We may ask you to provide us with proof of age using a valid form of ID, such as a driving licence or passport.

  3. Solo artists studying elsewhere but with a permanent residence in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland are eligible to apply.

  4.  At least 50% of band members should have a home address within the Highlands and Islands. 

  5. Entrants can enter by sending a short bio and links to their music to

  6. A judging panel consisting of representatives of the BBC, the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival and an independent musician appearing at the festival will shortlist our finalists. 

  7. A public vote hosted on the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival website found here will then determine the winner of the talent search. 

  8. The winning act will be given the chance to perform on the Hot House Arena on Thursday 25 July 2024. There will also be an additional opportunity to record an acoustic session in the BBC ALBA studio on site at the festival. Please ensure that you or all band members are available on this date before applying for this opportunity.  

  9. Applications will open on Monday 17 June at 9am and will close at 9am on Monday 1 July. It is expected that the public vote will open on Friday 5 July, and will close at 9am on Friday 12 July.


Online Voting Terms and Conditions

  1. You can take part by accessing the relevant web page on the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival website found here:  You will find the question and a list of alternative answers. You can register your vote by electronically selecting the option you wish to vote for.

  2. Any votes registered outside the announced voting times, which will be listed online, will not count.

  3. This is not a competition and there will be no monetary prize for anyone taking part. The BBC will endeavour to work alongside the winning act, however the BBC are under no obligation to broadcast filmed performances should certain circumstances arise or where editorial standards are not met. However the vote result stands.

  4. The number of times you can vote may be restricted. The presence of a cap to voting and what that limit is will be made clear for each vote. Some votes may be restricted geographically to within the UK only. If you are not in the right area you will not see the vote.

  5. Live results may be displayed on the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival website found here during the vote window. These should not be taken as an indicator of the final published results, but merely as a snapshot for interest. The BBC or the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival will announce the final result on-air and/or online when voting is closed and the actual result is known.

  6. The BBC and the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival reserves the right to disqualify entries or suspend voting if it has reasonable grounds to suspect that fraudulent voting has occurred or if it considers there has been any attempt to rig the voting. The BBC and the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival has the right to substitute an alternative selection method at its absolute discretion. For the purposes of investigating possible voting irregularities when voting, the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival may use cookies, log IP addresses or analyse the information. The Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival will not publish this information or provide it to anyone without permission, except where required for enforcement of these terms. Further information relating to the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival Privacy Policy can be found here

  7. If, for any reason, the online voting system fails, the vote may be suspended or a contingency plan may be actioned.

  8. The BBC and the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend this vote at any time.

  9. The Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival, its sub-contractors, subsidiaries and/or agencies cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any vote not being received by the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival, not properly registered or recorded.

  10. Please note that BBC, BBC Group or the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival employees, or anyone who is directly connected in any way with the associated content or the vote, is not eligible to vote.

  11. The voting will be hosted on the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival website found at the voting process accords with the BBC's Code of Conduct for Competitions and Voting, details of which can be found on the BBC's Standards and Guidelines website at

  12. Online votes are subject to the Belladrum Tartan Heart Music Festival Privacy Policy found at and, if relevant, the BBC Privacy and Cookies Policy found at, more information about Cookies can be found at and BBC online Terms of Use found at .

  13. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the law of England and Wales.