Before completing the below form, please familiarise yourself with our Accessibility at Belladrum guide here.

Why are we collecting this information?

This information is collected to assess your accessibility requirements and how we can make arrangements for your attendance at Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival. We ask you for certification of your accessibility requirements so we can do our best to meet your requirements. As the information you share is confidential, it will be stored securely to ensure your information and privacy is protected. This information will only ever be used as intended for accessibility assessment.


Who is collecting your information?

Ben Wyvis Live Ltd on behalf of Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival will collect your information for the accessibility access at Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival only.


Privacy Notice

You agree that we may collect, hold and process your data to support your application for accessible facilities and future accessible ticket purchases. Please see our privacy Policy for more information on how your data will be used. By submitting your information you agree to our Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival privacy policy and the above statement.